The Radiant Ink Fest: Everything You Need to Know About JUUC's Novel Creative Writing Competition

 The Justice Udo Udoma Chambers celebrates creativity in all forms: writing, music, art, and so much more. To this extent, The 10th Editorial Board of the Justice Udo Udoma Chambers is hereby announcing The Radiant Ink Fest, her novel creative writing competition. 


About The Radiant Ink Fest

The Radiant Ink Fest is an initiative birthed by Justice Udo Udoma Chambers to encourage her pacesetters to explore all angles of their creativity. The competition is open to  pacesetters from all classes, and runs from Wednesday, the 19th of July till Tuesday, the 8th of August. 

The Competition Processes

All pacesetters are invited to submit their essays, poems and stories in the submission timeline as provided above. After the submission timeline, entries WILL NOT be considered. 

Note that every pacesetter is only allowed to submit one entry. To this extent, pacesetters are advised to ensure their entries reflect their writing ability at its best before submission.

After a rigorous judging process, a longlist containing the names of the top ten writers will be published on the Firstlight Blog.

Two weeks after the announcement of the longlist, a shortlist containing the names of the top five writers will be published on the blog. Every shortlisted writer will be entitled to a prize of 4000 naira each. The shortlisted writers will also be entitled to an exclusive piece on the Firstlight Blog.

The winner of the contest will be announced at the Pace Awards and Dinner Night ceremony, with the winner claiming the grand prize of 20,000 naira. The winner will also be entitled to further benefits from Firstlight Blog

Note that the competition DOES NOT take place in rounds. The longlist, shortlist, and the winner will be carefully drafted from the ONE entry submitted by each contestant during the submission timeline. 

General Submission Guidelines

  • Entries must be submitted during the submission timeline. Entries after the submission timeline will not be considered. 

  • Every contesting pacesetter is invited to submit either an essay, a poem or a short story on the theme provided. 

  • All entries must be submitted in a word document format. Font: Times New Romans or Arial. Font size: 14.

  • Submissions must be made to

  • The title of the email should be "My Radiant Fest Entry[category]". For example, "My Radiant Fest Entry[short story]. 

  • The title of the document should be the title of your entry. E.g "My Heart in Shreds".

  • Personal information must not be contained in the entry. All personal information should be provided in the body of the email. Your personal information MUST contain your name, class, phone number and any other information you deem fit.

  • Participants are strongly advised to stick to the word count provided and the theme of the contest.

Submission Guidelines for Short Stories 

  • All general submission Guidelines.

  • Short stories must be within the word count of 700 to 900 words. 

Submission Guidelines for Essays

  • All general submission Guidelines.

  • Essays must be within the word count of 600 to 800 words. 

Submission Guidelines for Poems 

  • All general submission Guidelines 

  • Poems must be within the word count of 150 to 350 words. Participants are allowed to structure their poems in any line scheme of their choice, or use any number of stanzas or lines of their choice.


The theme for The Radiant Ink Fest is "Orange", in honour of Justice Udo Udoma Chambers', and by extension, Firstlight's signature colour. Simple right? The Firstlight team expects super creative interpretations of this simple theme.

Show us all you've got. We cannot wait to read your amazing entries.

We are JUUC Firstlight. And we radiate words to inspire others to set the pace.


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