Day 3: Entertainment Law


DAY 3: Entertainment Law

DATE: March 6, 2024

MODERATOR(S): Chelsea Abosah, David Samuel


SPEAKER: Ubani Obinna

Biography of the Guest Speaker 

Ubani Obinna is a partner at Stetson LLP, he is an entertainment lawyer and has been in the industry for 5 years. 

LinkedIn: Ubani Obinna

Interactive Session

Q: What are the key legal considerations when entering legal contracts in entertainment law?

A: There are some important things to consider when delving into legal contracts in entertainment law:

Duration: this shows when the contract will start and end, in other words, the length of the agreement will be considered. 

The compensation: this pertains to how much money is going to be paid to the artiste or client. 

Obligation: this involves the expectation that is placed on the client and the managing company. What services each party would render to the other.

Entertainment lawyers are to ensure the safety of their client artistes. 

Q: What is the general scope of Entertainment Law?

A: It is made up of different areas of law, IP (Intellectual Property) Law, Contract and Commercial Law, even criminal Law. The general scope of entertainment law encompasses various aspects of law, hence, a lawyer must use his knowledge of those aspects and apply it to various situations in the music business. The scope of entertainment law covers all the things you know in law and the knowledge of the particular section of entertainment your client is. 

Q: How separate is Entertainment Law from IP (Intellectual Property) Law?

A: IP Law is not entertainment law. Although IP law comprises of certain things that are linked to entertainment law, that includes copyright, trademark and patent, it still will not add up to entertainment law. Irrespective of the fact that there are some areas of IP law in Entertainment law, there are special terms that cannot be found in an IP textbook. Additionally, even though IP law makes up some parts of Entertainment law, IP law will not be sufficient to make a full transaction in Entertainment Law. 

Q: How does an Entertainment Lawyer differ from an agent or a manager, can an Entertainment Lawyer work as an agent or a manager?

A: Yes, he or she can. This is because a lawyer will be able to suit the client’s interests properly. 

Q: What are the constituents of a Record label contract? 

A: There are four major clauses of a contract in entertainment as earlier stated: Length - duration of the agreement. Obligations - this includes what the parties are willing to do for themselves. Termination clauses - this is where the the topic of how to seek redress if there is a breach, and Compensation, being the last of them. 

Q: What do I need to become an Entertainment lawyer?

A: Read your books, attain your degree and become a lawyer. From there you move on to read up on books in the industry. Attaching to a firm to build experience and knowledge. With knowledge and practice experience, the sky is your starting point. 

Q: Is Entertainment law a lucrative and relevant law in Nigeria?

A: Although it is a growing industry, it is going very well. As at last year, the entertainment industry made up to 26 billion dollars and other figures in various sectors. There’s still a long way to go but it’s a lucrative industry for those who have value. To this end, build and grow your value. 

The plus side to entertainment law is that there’s no obstacle in the industry. 


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