Day 8: Employability Skills

DAY 8: Employability skills

DATE: March 13, 2024

MODERATOR: Michael Ekanem


SPEAKER: Anita E. Egujie

Biography of the speaker

Experienced Administration Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the Human Resources Industry. Skilled in Problem Analysis, Communication and Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Strong operations professional with a Bachelor of Arts - BA focused in Philosophy from Ambrose Ali University.


Employability skills are essential attributes that help secure and maintain employment and contributes to the long term goals. Employability is not just about securing a job, but empowering people to navigate and thrive in the ever evolving landscape of work.

Employability skills

  1. Communication skills
  2. Teamwork and collaboration
  3. Active participation 
  4. Problem solving
  5. Adaptability
  6. Creativity
  7. Resilience
  8. Writing skills

Communication skills

In order to develop proper communication skills, one would have to learn to listen and not speak frivolously. Some people prefer talking instead of listening which isn't proper. In a scenario of an interview and the interviewee is asked a question but rapidly begins to speak without understanding the tenets and basics of the question, this would pass off a terrible impression on your interviewer and may make one fail the question. There are certain criteria to be ticked in order to effectively communicate:

Listen: active listeners take instructions and participate likewise because they are retaining information. There is a difference between hearing and listening. One is passive whereas the other is active. When listening, a person can listen to respond or to understand.

Clear and concise writing: what you're stating must be clear and understood clearly by your intended audience. Communication connotes that one person is writing or speaking while another is decoding what is being written or spoken.

Effective verbal communication: to pass a message across to your intended audience during speech, your verbal communication has to be free from impediments which may include the nasal flare that tends to distract the audience and even confuse them.

Presentation skills

When a person is unprepared for a presentation it is very noticeable and it puts a clog in the flawlessness of the said presentation. It will hinder the communication passed across and the audience may not understand the points which have been raised. Inasmuch as you are presenting on a subject matter, you are also presenting yourself.

This means that your method of dressing should not conflict with the proper performance you aim to have. Don't leave people in a state of conflict between your shabby clothes and your good performance. Marry the two.

Teamwork and collaboration

There are different kinds of people: the bosses, the conductors, the drivers, the passengers who actively watch, the passengers that passively watch, the mechanics. This is a representation of a team. There are several persons with different skills who come together to form a team and contribute.

In enhancing teamwork, one may need to regularly check up on others. Through this, one would impact the lives of others who would feel the absence of any team member. This regular checkups build trust and rapport among the members which would aid in the team work. Also, trust grows and burgeons from effective communication.

Active participation

When there's an opportunity to be amongst people who teach or who are teaching, regardless of the interest you have in that subject matter, actively participate and learn from it. No knowledge is wasted. When you actively participate, you indeed get more than you bargained for. In order to actively participate, you have to actively learn. These skills are intertwined, one comes before the other.

Conflict resolution

Still on the categories of people, there are certain people who cannot lead or proffer solutions in the face of conflict, whereas there are some who are proficient and good at making sound suggestions during conflict. In order to resolve conflict, one has to:

Understand the conflict. Without understanding the conflict, there would be no way to proffer solutions.

Identify the options and the nearest possible solutions. This has to do with recognising the choices which are available to quash the conflict, what choice would be most favourable to stop the conflict. Then the solutions which would be reached if the conflict persists or what solutions can be raised to stop the conflict from even occuring due to preemption.

These have to be done in order for one to start resolving a conflict. 

Sharing responsibilities

Responsibilities may include taking ownership for what is done or what has been done. It is said that teamwork makes dreams work. This saying supports the delegation of certain responsibilities to others, to subordinates, to give them a chance to learn about that area. Although most people believe that if something is to be done right you have to do it yourself, it is pertinent to note that this would take a longer time than delegating these roles.

Question and alternative perspective

Ask questions about certain things to get the various perspective of the subject matter and to also get the fuller picture. Questions are also necessary for better understanding of the subject matter and clarification of obscure or vague areas.

It is also best to search for alternatives of a decision to be made just in case the reality of the choice is not substantial or plausible.

Time management

There are strategies for time management which includes:

Setting priorities. Recognise what is important, what is difficult, and what is time bound. These tasks should be done first and foremost before others. Allocate time to other tasks. Before your priorities are even set, one must have organised himself and must have highlighted these priorities.

Avoid procrastination. It is the bane of success. When one procrastinates a task, the value or essence to be gained from that task is lost due to the speed or the shabby method one would complete it with.

Characteristics of an effective leader

Taking additional responsibilities: an effective leader who sees one of his subordinates struggle with a task is not afraid to taking up the said task in order for effective results and to teach the subordinate the necessary skill or manner of accomplishing such task.

Offering solutions to problems: a leader should not only think of the problems that can arise from a situation, but should also think of the solutions to the possible problems.

Motivating or inspiring others: this does not denote lying or giving false feedbacks in order to make the person feel good, it entails the manner of approach and communication. Easy words can aid and motivate people to work.

"If you want to smash it, snatch it."


Q: There are some people who have difficulty in communicating or understanding questions due to their process of thinking, how do they solve this?

A: When you realise that a subject matter seems strange to you or may be strange to you, take permission to record the speaker or take notes as you go. When you go home, listen again or read again and it will become clearer to you. Also, where you don't understand certain things still, ask questions about it no matter how minute.

Q: How does one make a better impression in a physical interview?

A: Know the level you are coming in from. You cannot be applying as an intern but you're coming with the impression of a S.A.N. When you know the level you're coming in from, you have to know the things required for that level. Ask questions still about what is required, research on the others who have gotten in through the level you're applying for and most importantly, come in prepared.


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